Rasmus Phophon Gyldenløv - Web Developer

The opportunity every student waits for

Rasmus' story is about starting his first full-time job. He explains how he discovered a passion for web development and how he felt joining other developers, who looked serious and ambitious in his eyes.

First steps

Getting in and getting started

"Back in the day, it was Steffie and Claus who extended the offer. I spotted a web developer position on Jobnet, sent in my CV, and to my surprise, they reached out fast. After the interviews, they welcomed me onboard." Rasmus recalls.

You started after your studies, how did you know what to do?

Rasmus attributes his early success to his former mentor at DynamicWeb. "I had a very good mentor when I started. He taught me how to consult customers and taught me how to approach the role as new to it all,” he recalls.

Straight after my studies, I started here as a full-time job. Like most people, I wasn't sure what I wanted initially. I just knew I needed to get experience to be truly good at the job. 

Rasmus Phophon Gyldenløv - Web Developer
Becoming a DynamicWebber

Exploring interests

Rasmus' journey in web development began during his studies when he managed his own website, sparking his initial interest in the field. However, he realized that computer science was a broad domain and wanted to find his niche.

"I remember at school, we had a project about eCommerce, and that is when I realized this is something I want to do,” he explains.

How do you feel two years later at DynamicWeb? 

"After two months as a Web Developer, I realized that working with customers is my thing. I like to talk and help them," Rasmus says.

He smiles and continues, "DynamicWeb is surprisingly casual, everyone dresses as they feel comfortable. Employees are always nice, managers are helpful, and you can easily reach out to anyone. We have events that get people together, making employees relaxed. I think these events are very important in making collaboration easier."

I find great excitement in translating intricate concepts into practical websites while constantly developing my skills and staying attuned to web development environment.

Rasmus Phophon Gyldenløv - Web Developer
A typical day

Daily tasks of Web Developer

As a Web Developer, Rasmus helps customers in managing their websites, this means he implements and tweaks all the cool functionality you can click on and interact with using different online shops. Rasmus says: "Depending on the day, I would normally receive a feature request from the customer, then I analyze how to approach it."

Rasmus is responsible for daily tasks that include consolidating customer information, maintaining communication with the development team working on the product he's involved with, engaging in pair programming with other web developers, and ensuring the continuous maintenance and upgrades of both the frontend and backend solutions. "I am never alone in managing the task, I have a colleague in project management who validates it, before I get started, I sit with a handful of other web developers and we often talk things through and help each other out," Rasmus explains.

His role depends on his ability to balance customer needs and the ongoing development and improvement of the product.

I am a programmer, so of course I socialize through the computer!

Rasmus Phophon Gyldenløv - Web Developer
Social gatherings

Working in a software community

At the end of the day, I am a programmer, so I socialize through the computer at work and home with friends, playing some games or talking," he smiles.

Of course, it is not all online, he reveals, "I always attend the social events at work, where we meet and have a drink on Fridays or when the entire team goes to dinner. Some of my colleagues also meet up and play board games after work. I find there are plenty of opportunities to be social and that is one of the reasons I enjoy working here", he finishes. 


eCommerce, CMS, PIM
and Marketing


Bjoernholms Allé 30, 8260 Viby J, Denmark




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